Submit Your Big Idea Canvas
Big Idea Challenge
Submission Deadline:
Friday, March 25, 2016 at 11:59PM US EDT
Step-by-Step Submission Instructions
Step 1: Access the Digital Interactive Version of the Big Idea Canvas by clicking on "Work Online" at

Step 2: To fill out your canvas, you will be walked through five sections of questions covering the following topics: Pain, Potential, Prescription, Positioning, and Path.

Step 3: Once you have completed all the sections, you'll be sent to a page to edit your Big Idea Hypothesis. Some of your answers are automatically incorporated to create your Big Idea Hypothesis, but you can edit it as necessary for accuracy. Press "Complete" when you're satisfied.

Step 4: Once you press "Complete", you'll be given your score. You're not submitted to the Big Idea Challenge yet!

Step 5: To start the online submission process, click on "Interact and Share Your Big Idea Canvas."

Step 6: You will then be sent to Mural, an online brianstorming and collaboration software, with whom we've partnered. Your canvas will be uploaded to Mural, where you can share it with your team, advisors, and the Big Idea Canvas judges.
Step 6A

Step 6B

Step 7: Once your account is set up in Mural, you can add notes to your canvas, share with your team and advisors, and most importantly, share with the Big Idea Canvas judges. To share with the judges, click the "Share" button in the upper-right-hand corner.

Step 8: When you click the "Share" button, a pop up window will give you the chance to Create a Link to Copy and Share to Invite People.

Step 9: Email the unique link to Your email should be titled, "Big Idea Challenge Submission - Name of Idea." Please remember to include the unique link you created in Mural in the email. Below is an example.

Step 10: You will be sent an email confirmation for your successful submission. The email will be sent to the email address you used to begin your canvas.
Step 11: Celebrate! You are officially entered into the Big Idea Challenge.